Lido Ecosystem Grants Organization
LEGO funds individuals, projects, and initiatives that benefit the Lido protocol and the broader blockchain space. If you're a developer, crypto enthusiast, or community member with a solid plan to improve the ecosystem or raise awareness about Eth, PoS, DeFi, etc., LEGO is here to support you.
Grant Classification
LEGO grants are sorted into four different piles by expected size and impact:
Approver (LEGO)
Grant amount
Contributions that are nice to have, yet not detrimental. Can be easily evaluated by a single person.
Approver:1 member
Grant amount:up to 1,000 USD
Pebbles are non-critical, small things that are beneficial for Lido but not so trivial to call a sand grain.
Approver:2 members
Grant amount:up to 10,000 USD
Boulders are big, important things that are imperative to be carried out by experts and thoroughly evaluated by core contributors.
Approver:Council vote
Grant amount:up to 100,000 USD
Mountains are critical improvements to Lido that have a significant impact on its growth, security, operations, etc.
Approver:DAO vote
Grant amount:100,000Â USDÂ +
Grants History
LEGO issues detailed quarterly reports on all granting activities and results. See the grants and their results in detailed reports.
ReportsGrant Application Process
To apply for a grant, please follow the process outlined below:
Make contact with the LEGO person responsible for your specific area of contribution (or just any LEGO person who will forward you to the relevant point of contact) on Telegram to introduce yourself and your idea.
Good practice is to prepare a short pitch of the proposal:
What is the grant application about?
Who will be working on the proposal (experience, previous major achievements)?
How will it aid the Lido ecosystem? Why is it important?
A brief summary of the grant application (3-4 sentences)
Timelines, expenses estimates.
Discuss grants terms
Hash out the terms, timelines, and deliverables in personal communication with the relevant LEGO member. They will get approval or rejection according to the LEGO process.
The proposal is shared on and amongst LEGO committee members for review. Upon approval, communication channels will be set up and nominee will receive funding.
Upon completion, the creator is invited to introduce the grant work and showcase their developments to the LEGO committee.
The timeline for grant execution will differ based on the size of the grant opportunity as well as the number of committee members needed to take part.
LEGO Committee
LEGO is built up around 2 unique segments - LEGO Council & LEGO Nominees. Any LEGO member can send sandgrain, coordinate on pebbles and motion towards Boulders, while only LEGO Council votes on Boulders.
LEGO Council
The LEGO Council is comprised of 8 LEGO partners with a range of backgrounds and experience, each responsible for a specific segment of Lido with a capacity of 15,000 LDO equivalent per quarter to facilitate sandgrain and pebble sized grants.

Isidoros Passadis
General, node operation, decentralization, future of staking
Extensive experience in Financial and IT auditing, risk & control frameworks, business process design and implementation
LEGO Nominees
The LEGO Nominees is an extension of LEGO by up to 20 individuals who manage personal grant budget (10,000 LDO equivalent per quarter, included in total LEGO budget). The list of nominees is managed by a vote of the LEGO Council.