Page last updated: July 8, 2022

Ethereum Referral Program Terms & Conditions

Lido Referral Program was launched on July 19th 2021 by the Lido DAO based on the following proposal. The main goals are to increase the number of active stakers, grow Lido TVL and promote the benefits of stETH.

The Lido DAO controls the full life-cycle of the referral program including but not limited to launch, defining total rewarding pool, allocating rewards for each period, pausing, resuming or stopping the Program at any time.

Lido referral program was switched to ‘whitelist mode’ to improve the security and productivity by the DAO decision via voting on the following proposal.


Only whitelisted referral addresses will be eligible for rewards. All the other referral links will no longer be eligible for rewards.
Users are given the ability to generate a unique referral URL that is specific to their Ethereum address.
Rewards are calculated every 2-week Rewards calculation period.
To be eligible for rewards in the current rewards calculation period, referral should drive at least 1 ETH in referee stakes during this time.
A referral receives 0.25% payback in LDO of the ETH staked with their referral link. Referral reward amount in LDO is calculated each payout week based on ETH/USD and LDO/USD 14 days (whole referral period) TWAP to be 0.25% payback. The minimum reward amount is 5 LDO and the maximum reward amount is 20 LDO per 1 ETH staked.The change from 0.50% payback to 0.25% payback happened after a governance proposal passed on June 23rd, 2022.
The Lido Referral Program does not have any timeframe. The Program ends when there are no more tokens in the Reward Pool (i.e., the total amount of LDO tokens that can be distributed to participants of the Program) or when the DAO makes an active decision to cancel it.
The Lido DAO can stop, pause, and resume the Program at any time.
The Lido DAO determines the size of the Reward Pool, amount and terms of the LDO Token Reward, and can change them at any time.
The Lido DAO can at any time change the operating conditions of the Lido Referral Program.

Reward Pool

The currently approved size of the Reward Pool is 15 million LDO.

Program Implementation

15 million LDO tokens held in the DAO Treasury will be reserved for the purpose of the Lido Referral Program.
Each Rewading Calcluation Period takes 2 weeks. During this time a referral preliminary rewards are calculated based on the referee staking. Payout Period that comes after is the time to check and filter abuse cases and approve rewards. During Payout Period approved rewards are allocated to* for referrals to claim or delivered directly to referral addresses.
Smart contracts currently are not able to claim the reward from so the referral address must be EOA (externally owned account) to get rewards.
In order to ensure that the Referral Program can successfully achieve the purposes of developing the Lido ecosystem and attracting new stakers, there are rules in place to limit abuse and misbehavior. Namely, participants/addresses involved in abusive, incorrect, suspicious behavior that is against Lido DAO values and goals will be excluded from the Program and will not be entitled to LDO Rewards, including but not limited to the following situations:
  • Participant/Address directly or indirectly worsen the ETH:stETH peg in incentivized liquidity pools such as, for example, Curve ETH:stETH liquidity pool;
  • Participant/Address is involved in cycle staking — using the same amount of ETH to generate rewards multiple times (user sends ETH through Lido using a referral link, only to sell their stETH later for more ETH in order to repeat the whole process again and again);
  • Participant/Address removed liquidity from stETH/ETH pools (as it's affecting price peg);
  • A suspicion that staked ETH are the proceeds of crime (e.g., hack).**
Staking of ETH borrowed on lending/borrowing protocols (like Aave and others) is not going to be rewarded. It also relates to ETH that was bought with any other borrowed cryptocurrency (like DAI).
Referral Periods Reports showing the distribution of LDO will be regularly published to ensure transparency of the Lido Referral Program.
If for whatever reason there are any errors in the calculation or transfer of allocations of the Rewards to any Referrer, the error can be rectified in any suitable way. Users are welcome to contact Lido support at any channels ([email protected] and other) in case of any problems.
We want to underline that DAO can at any time stop the Lido Reward Program, amend the way it is implemented, including Proposed LDO Token Reward, Reward Pool.
*At the current stage, is used to distribute the rewards on L2. In the future, the Lido Referral Program might be implemented using a different cost-efficient solution (e.g., Optimism). Our community will be updated on any relevant changes to the implementation of the Program.

**DAO can extend the list of unwanted activities that can be considered abusive and not contributing to the development of our ecosystem.


Reward Calculation Periods — 2 weeks period when referral gathers rewards on referee staking using a referral link. These rewards are considered as "not approved yet".

Check & Approval — the process of filtering abuse cases (cycle staking, re-staking from stETH/ETH pools and others) and approving rewards. It happens at the beginning of the Payout Period.

Payout Period ("Rewards distribution") — 1 week during which Check & Approval (filtering abuse cases and rewards approval) and distributing rewards. Approved rewards are allocated to and can be claimed there. Approved rewards are going to be transferred to and be available at at the end of the Payout Period.

Approved Rewards — referral rewards considered fair after Final Check & Approval, not breaking terms and conditions, gathered without cycle staking or re-staking from stETH/ETH pools.

Denied Rewards — referral rewards that are not going to be allocated to and will not be available for claiming. Denied rewards rewards were considered as collected by abuse cases — cycle staking, re-staking from stETH/ETH pools, affecting stETH/ETH price peg, trying to get multiple rewards from the same amount of ETH, and others that are breaking the initial rules or considered as an abuse case by DAO. New types of abuse cases are going to be explained in detail in related articles and announces.

Referral Period Report — a public spreadsheet that represents referral addresses, staked amounts, approved rewards amounts for each Reward Calculation Period.

Whitelisting Guide

Any wallet or protocol team can apply to join the program as an approved partner. To apply or propose a candidate follow the instructions outlined here:

Referral applicants by default will be limited to a maximum of 300 ETH per period in LDO rewards. Referral applicants with an established track record and reputation will not have referral rewards capped.

Referrers that have their rewards capped can request to remove the limited payout restriction if they show a good track record of bringing ETH into Lido while not breaking the rules.

All applications will be reviewed on a weekly basis. All relevant applications (wallets, protocols, frontend) are automatically approved with detected abuse cases leading to automatic exclusion from the program.

Referral Guide

Apply to the referral program here and receive your unique referral URL.
After the rewards have been approved during the Payout Week they are presented in the Referral Periods Report.
Claim your approved rewards via after the rewards are approved and sent to during the Payout Period.

Rewarding Flow (for whitelisted addresses)

Rewards Calculation Period of 2 weeks (gathering and calculating the rewards);
Payout Period of:
  • Check & Approval - filtering abuse cases and approving good ones;
  • Updating Referral Period Report (posting new period sheet);
  • Allocating approved rewards by Lido Referral Committee;
  • Transferring rewards to rewards distribution service (;
Claiming rewards by referrals (from